It is a pickle. The number and kind of lying women date back to Potifer's wife or the woman in Solomon's court who overlay her infant. Yet Weinstein, Clinton, the Paki Rape Gang men are real.

Women will lie for revenge, for political and profit advantage, and to escape even minor consequences. Worse, they enjoy drama, so will bandwagon; lying about some earlier promiscuity that they'd do again, given half a chance.

Corrupt men find these lying women very useful, and the world they build together is hard on honest men and women alike.

But it is very very profitable for lawyers.

Justice is elusive where men and women do not fear God. Christ have mercy.

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Why do you even assume they're lying when most of them were quiet and were easy prey? none of these women are even trying to make a buck and Gaiman has been writing disgusting rape fantasies for decades

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Neil is a horrible scum bag.

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