I'm familiar enough with independent comics since the 1980s and do not recognize the name "Miz Krimzon," nor can I find any of "her" work online. Colleen Doran is the only female I can think of who's been in independent comics since the 80s but she's worked very consistently with Gaiman for the last couple decades.

There's also Wendy Pini but what I know of her career, that seems very unlikely. Although Wendy met her husband in a 1970s equivalent of Neil Gaiman going after Tori Amos. Wendy's husband harassed Colleen Doran in very bad ways back in the 80s, but I doubt either of them are using the pseudonym "Miz Krimzon."

And just because, I always cite Dave Sim and "Cerebus" as a major starting point for MGTOW, at least in comics, going back to the early 90s. He promoted independent comics since the 70s and is also a proud Canadian, like "Miz Krimzon." Give me half an excuse and I will do a lot of talking about how important and relevant "Cerebus" is to today's events.

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Indie Comics was and is much broader and deeper than the very famous folks you mention. Media coverage from the usual sources is what tends toward a "mile wide and an inch deep", and that includes the mainstream comic book media.

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Media coverage was more like a foot wide and an inch deep. The comics industry wasn't that big and most of that industry was Marvel and DC. The Comics Journal couldn't promote anything? Kevin Eastman had Tundra. Dave Sim promoted independent comics in most issues of Cerebus. In the early 2000s, internet newbies had Comicon.com. And those are just the immediate options that come to mind, I know there were more.

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