Wounded animals are extremely dangerous.

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Only weak or illegitimate power structures seek to silence any voice raised against them. This dynamic explains pretty much all the culture war and politics right now in the western world. The more threatened they feel, the more they will drift from "silencing" to "cancelling" to "make an example of our opponents so terrifying no one will dare resist us again". Don't believe me? Look at what they've done to James Woods or even more spectacularly DJT. There are tens of thousands of smaller examples of cancelled to ruined people out there.

Lawfare must start running back at these social vandals, because this whole culture conflict runs on money even more than power. Nothing deprives true believers access faster than drying up the bottom lines of those bankrolling these efforts. I'm sure if you scratched a little more, you'll find Blackrock/Soros/Disney money if not other nefarious financial backers of great evil.

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