Jun 30Liked by Fandom Pulse

This is extremely depressing. I guess now gamers know a little of how women felt when women only festivals were shut down by trans militancy.

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If it has to die then it has to die. Hopefully something better and non woke can rise from the ashes.

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Well darn. Here I though we were going to see a self purge of DIE/ESG acolytes from GenCon making it more likely for me to want to attend. Right now, since it is full of culture war activists who are prone to violence (e.g. The Quartering attack) I don't feel safe in attending if I do not parrot the current thing back to wokies who seem to believe Silence REQUIRES Violence.

Once GenCon exits DIE/ESG pro woke agendas, and returns to just asking people be tolerant of different people sans activism or dogma demands, then I'd consider coming back.

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