I don't care about spoilers for this garbage game. It might as well not exist.

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I am sure most will be happy to ignore those early copies. It wouldn't surprise me if Ubisoft is just trying to generate hype.

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Best since Black Flag is not a great endorsement, since Black Flag marked a significant downturn in the franchise. Though IMO only the first one was worth playing.

I don't so much care about muh historical inaccuracy here because these games were never historically accurate in the first place. But I do care that they were insufferable about it.

Guess it doesn't matter. Would not have bought even if it wasn't woke.

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With the proper security, Leaks can be prevented. The fact that gaming companies have such lack security is amazing. As for the black samurai, it's way past time for the racial didn't earn it nonsense to go away.

If a person wanted a black samurai, they could make one during character creation (If it's allowed.)

they don't have to make one just to signal virtue.

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